
Hi, I'm Angee and the founder of Motivate to Move physical therapy and wellness. I am a physical therapist and have been practicing therapy for 24 years. I have spent the last 16 years treating people with movement disorders such as Parkinson's Disease. If I have learned one thing it's that people with Parkinson's can get better! I have seen firsthand the dramatic change that can happen when someone who has PD exercises regularly, is medicated optimally, and has a strong support network.

I am certified in Parkinson specific exercise programs such as PWR!, LSVT BIG and RSB (rock steady boxing). In addition, I am an ambassador for the Davis Phinney Foundation. This is an awesome organization that helps people living with Parkinson’s Disease live well every day. For more information please visit

I am also very active in supporting the Michigan Parkinson Foundation and have participated in several fundraising events. I speak at support groups throughout Michigan and teach a virtual exercise class sponsored by the Michigan Parkinson Foundation.

Founder of Motivate to Move Physical Therapy and Wellness

Movement Class Instructor